Working with BHR

Our team will always strive to deliver a work of excellence, providing the right value based on a professional understanding analysis, looking to deliver the best deal offer for all parties involved

Breno Ribas

My Name It's Breno Ribas, Married, father of 3 beautiful children, (which I absolutely love to spend quality time with),

President of BHR Real Estate Holdings, a Real Estate company specialized in acquiring Investment Properties to Partner up with Investors. My Journey Started over 20 years ago, by Serving the South Florida community in all aspects of Home improvement Service, committed to be trustworthy with any Individual or Corporation that gave me the opportunity to show my work, A Strong believer of the sowing law, I have built a sustainable Network with many Homeowners, Investors, Property managers, Builders, that have trusted their project in my hands. While proudly serving them, for all these years, I have developed one of the most important Skills which is Asset Management, for the new investment properties at Due Diligence period, Working with inspectors, to Look out for structure issues, visualize property to maximize Value add, Contractors hiring qualification, added to many others related tasks, when the business is repositioning the asset on the Market. All these years of dedication, combined with a Power Team, lead me into the Real Estate business that I'm really passionate about. My Mission is to Find, Qualify, manage, create a meaningful, successful and amazing investment experience, every time!


Our Advisory Board Has A Track Record of Success!

Through our network, we offer you the opportunity to grow your money without the hassle of buying, selling, renting, managing, renovating multifamily properties.







Working with BHR

Our team will always strive to deliver a work of excellence, providing the right value based on a professional understanding analysis, looking to deliver the best deal offer for all parties involved

Breno Ribas

My Name It's Breno Ribas, Married, father of 3 beautiful children, (which I absolutely love to spend quality time with), President of BHR Real Estate Holdings, a Real Estate company specialized in acquiring Investment Properties to Partner up with Investors. My Journey Started over 20 years ago, by Serving the South Florida community in all aspects of Home improvement Service, committed to be trustworthy with any Individual or Corporation that gave me the opportunity to show my work, A Strong believer of the sowing law, I have built a sustainable Network with many Homeowners, Investors, Property managers, Builders, that have trusted their project in my hands. While proudly serving them, for all these years, I have developed one of the most important Skills which is Asset Management, for the new investment properties at Due Diligence period, Working with inspectors, to Look out for structure issues, visualize property to maximize Value add, Contractors hiring qualification, added to many others related tasks, when the business is repositioning the asset on the Market. All these years of dedication, combined with a Power Team, lead me into the Real Estate business that I'm really passionate about. My Mission is to Find, Qualify, manage, create a meaningful, successful and amazing investment experience, every time!


Our Advisory Board Has A Track Record of Success!

Through our network, we offer you the opportunity to grow your money without the hassle of buying, selling, renting, managing, renovating multifamily properties.







Our Advisory Board

Tyler Deveraux


Tyler has been investing in real estate for over 14 years. Today, Tyler controls over 2,000 apartment units, throughout 5 different states, with values north of $200MM. He actively sponsors and is a managing operator in new opportunities brought to market.

Todd Millar


With 15 year of Real Estate experience Todd is a Co-Founder and COO of Multifamily Mindset. This company provides essential education and support for entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills to acquire their own properties. Todd is a partner in over 2,000 apartment units with over $200 million in assets under management.

Zach Rucker

Underwriting Specialist

Brady Barker

Due Diligence

Hunter Gascay


See for yourself why Investors love working with us!

See for yourself why Investors love working with us!

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